Known for its rich hue and warm, woody scent, Cedarwood essential oil provides a myriad of benefits. It is native to cold climates, thriving in high altitudes and growing up to 100 feet. Reminiscent of its size and strength, Cedarwood has a grounding aroma that evokes feelings of spiritual and emotional wellbeing. When applied topically, Cedarwood has clarifying properties. Additionally, Cedarwood is frequently used in massage therapy to help soothe the body during a relaxing massage.
- After a difficult day, diffuse to create a relaxing environment.
- During your facial routine, add one to two drops to your facial toner or moisturiser to help promote clear, healthy looking skin.
- Place a drop on a cotton ball and place in closet to freshen the smell.
This doTERRA product is also available to purchase at Wholesale pricing, saving you 25%! All my members receive a welcome pack with any Enrolment Kit purchased, ongoing support and access to FREE make-and-take workshops in my Penshurst studio. A $35 enrolment fee is waived on all Enrolment Kits purchased. Click on the doTERRA Wholesale link above or contact Angie on 0403 463 351 for assistance.