Our Lavender Floral Water is a preservative free, all-pure and all-natural floral water made by distilling Lavender essential oil into water. The properties of the essential oil carries through to the water.
Lavender is well suited for use in the treatment of mildly blemished, sensitive, oily and problem skin, but is suitable for all skin types.
Floral Waters are refreshing and fragrant tonics to use on the skin after cleansing or for a pick-me-up during the day. They can help to minimise oiliness, refine open pores and ensure complete removal of cleansing products and make up.
Floral Waters can be used as part of a manufacturing process by substituting water with the floral water. They can also be used in skincare products, bath products, as a spritzer to refresh or relax and they make excellent linen and air fresheners.
Ingredients: 100% Pure Lavender Essential Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), UV treated water
Plant Part Used: Herb Top Flowers
Safety: Safe to apply directly to the skin and face