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Winter Wellness

We all get sick and the severity of our symptoms (and recovery times) can impact our day-to-day lives.  We can, however, support the body's natural immunity in many ways, including:

  • Eating a nutrient-rich diet and avoiding inflammatory foods.
  • Getting quality sleep, reducing stress and exercising regularly.
  • Boosting your vitamin and mineral intake with Nutra Organics Super Greens and Reds and taking additional supplements such as good sources of Omega 3, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, Probiotics and Magnesium daily.
  • Consider taking herbs to stimulate the immune system such as Superfeast Mason's Mushrooms or Turkey Tail.
  • Include gut-loving foods such as bone broth, collagen, fermented foods and garlic, onion, ginger, turmeric and fresh herbs in your meals.
  • Eating a diet rich in fibre will also act as a good prebiotic for your probiotics to feed on.
  • Including a sufficient amount of protein in your diet - one gram per kilo of body weight per day is a good guide.
  • Increase your electrolyte intake with a quality hydrating drink such as the reputable LMNT Electrolyte Mix - made with an optimal science-backed ratio of sodium, potassium and magnesium and zero sugar in simple to use sachets.  Available in 12 and 30 Packs in store only.
  • Look for ways to quiet the mind and do things you enjoy for 15-20 minutes a day - spend time in nature, take a magnesium bath, meditate, paint, read, cook, stretch, practice deep breathing, talk to a friend.

You can purchase 750g bags of my premium, naturally-sourced food grade Magnesium Chloride flakes in store for a soothing, relaxing bath experience.  Try adding a few drops of your favourite essential oils to a tablespoon of Fractionated Coconut Oil and dropping into the bath. 

Incorporating certified pure, third-party tested essential oils into your daily routine is also a simple and effective way to help your body's natural immune response.

These On Guard Beadlets are perfect to take when symptoms arise and throughout illness.

My favourite Immunity Support Blend is always within reach whenever we need extra support, or feel like anybody in our family is coming down with something. 

It contains a powerhouse of antimicrobial essential oils that can be applied to the spine (or back of neck), abdomen and under the feet as well as the outside of the throat and can be used daily or at the onset of symptoms.


2 Drops Lemon
2 Drops Tea Tree
2 Drops Oregano
2 Drops On Guard
2 Drops Frankincense

Top with Fractionated Coconut Oil in a 10ml glass roller bottle.


Diffuse the above Immunity Blend to cleanse the air in your home or for blocked sinuses and respiratory support try diffusing doTERRA Easy Air or Clearify.

Add the following to a 10ml roller and top with Fractionated Coconut Oil:
4 Drops Lavender
2 Drops ZenGest

Apply to the bridge of the nose and along the face towards the earlobes and behind the ears as needed to help clear the sinuses.

Alternatively try the following STEAM BATH in a glass bowl or mug and inhale deeply for 5-10 minutes:

5 Drops Eucalyptus
5 Drops Peppermint
Add 1 cup of hot water (not boiling)


In a small ceramic or glass bowl combine the following oils:

3 Drops Peppermint
3 Drops Wild Orange
2 Teaspoons (10ml) Fractionated Coconut Oil

Apply along the spine from the base of the neck to the sacrum every few hours to help ease discomfort.  Warning: this gorgeous blend may also uplift the mood!


To soothe feelings of congestion, nothing is better than this quick and easy chest rub made using just essential oils and a common pantry item:

50g Pantry Coconut Oil
10 Drops Easy Air
2 Drops Lime
2 Drops Thyme
2 Drops Ginger

Mix all ingredients in a glass bowl and transfer to a glass jar.  Use a small amount on the chest and under the feet as needed.  This can be stored at room temperature but may liquify in warmer weather (in which case you can refrigerate if preferred). 


Add the following to a glass or mug (in this order so that the essential oils bind to a fat before adding water):

2 Drops Peppermint
2 Drops On Guard
2 Drops Oregano
Half a Teaspoon Olive or Avocado Oil
Half a cup of water

Gargle for one minute and repeat up to 3 times a day.  Alternatively, add all ingredients except water to a 10ml glass spray bottle and top with distilled water to use as a throat spray up to 3 times a day.


Apply the following blend to the temples, forehead and back of neck at the onset of a headache to soothe feelings of tension.

2 Drops Peppermint
2 Drops Lavender
1 Drop Copaiba 
1 Drop Frankincense
1 Drop Wintergreen

Add all essential oils to a 10ml roller bottle and top with Fractionated Coconut Oil.


Lastly, do yourself a huge favour and ditch the toxic commercial cleaning products.  Make your own cleaning spray or use the On Guard cleaner concentrate to clean surfaces around the home.  For more information on cleaning versus sanitising, head to this blog post

Please note, the labelling laws around essential oils are very loose and not all essential oils will give you the same results.  doTERRA is my brand of choice.  You can read more about this here or contact me to learn more.

The dilutions above are suitable for adults and children over 12.  For children aged 5-12 the essential oils should be halved (or simply double the amount of carrier oil).  Some essential oils such as Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Oregano and Wintergreen are not suitable for use on or around children under the age of 5.  Please contact me for additional support.